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Backup server to Synology

This software takes a bare metal backup of a Windows server and stores it on a remote Synology NAS over the internet (or local internet if required).

Pre requisites

Clients broadband speedPlease ensure you have at least a FTTC or SOGEA upload speed of at least 20GB. Initial backups may take several hours to a few weeks to complete although subsequent backups are usually completed overnight.
Remote log on credentialsYou will need the web address of the storage location, the username and password for access.
Install software on serverDownload the appropriate version of ‘Active Backup for Business’ form the Synology website. The version is specific to the model of Synology NAS used to back up to.
Recovery procedureYou should have an easily accessible recovery procedure. We have one on this web site but you should still at least retain your credentials in an accessible but secure location.
Recovery boot driveA recovery boot drive is needed to carry out a full server recovery over the internet. The faster the client download speed the better. Our upload servers max out at about 300MB.
Partial data recoveryIf you only need to recover small amounts of data like a single file, you can use the ‘Recovery portal’ on your server to

This is the Icon you should see on your server when The active Business Agent program is installed. Its not possable to alter the backup setings from here but you can carry out a partial recovery.

Set the backup time to the time the server is least used.
Ensure as far as possible that computers connected to your server are logged out or switched off. This helps ensure that documents are saved to your server so that they are backed up.

We recommend at least a 20MB upload speed at the server to be backed up. Initial backups may take several hours to a few weeks. Subsequent backups are usually completed overnight.


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