Welcome to Megganet

FTTC (up to 80Mb), FTTP (up to 1GB), Leased lines, VoIP from £6/ month, Security software, Office 365, Email etc.
When you need value for money and quality of service without the drama phone 028 8283 1111

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Moving POP/IMAP Email to Megganet

Our standard POP / IMAP / SMTP mail service is hosted on our IONOS mail server. This stable system quickly uploads, stores and downloads email efficiently, reliably and safely. With this service, Megganet supports up to 3 email aliases, virus protection and several levels of span filtering built in.


There are 2 capacity’s available, 2GB (included in your package) and 50GB (£7 / month) and you can mix and match to suit individual needs.

Setting up new mail services

Megganet manage all aspects of this mail service and and access to the control panel by the client is unavailable.

Set up email on client computers

Megganet can do this for you. There are comprehensive self help guides on this website with all the details you need to set up email accounts on your own computers and mobile devices.

Android and iOS support

We have an app for both types of device, indeed, each has their own web page on this website. The app is optimised to be easy to install, you just need your email address and password and you are good to go. Please note, we recommend that if you are using your email address on any other system, you should use IMAP instead of POP to download your email. This helps all your devices to sync better.

Domain held elsewhere

No problem, simply change your MX records to our current mail server. We will give you (or the person managing your domain hosting) the necessary details. For security a TXT record will need to be inserted into your DNS to prove ownership.

Move existing mailservice to Megganet

It is possible to move your mail hosting to Megganet. This would be a good time to remove redundant email addresses. Please contact Megganet by phone to discuss. This is a tried and tested technique (particularly popular for 123-reg users).

1.1Send Megganet the relevant email addressess and passwords for all your existing email addressess. Do NOT send the list of email addressess and their passwords in the same message as the message may be intercepted instead use TXT or WhatsApp.
1.2Select which email address are included in your bundle (2GB each) and which need the 50GB inbox. You can mix and match.

If we do not have access to your current mail service, we will not know which email addressess need a 50 GB inbox so please make sure we know in advance to prevent lossing email.
1.3All your email addresses will be created on our system and we will send you the list for you to conform all correct.
2.1We will send you the TXT record for your DNS manager to insert in your domains DNS. This is to prove ownership and an essential prerequisite.
2.2We will send you the new MX records and arrange a time for them to be updated. Once the MX record are changed, your old system will no longer receive new email and all new email will be sent to Megganet.
3Switching over may take from a few minutes to several hours so it is important to select a switchover time when there is the least amount of email traffic.

Once the date and time is decided, we send each old email address notification regarding, the end date and time of the current service, how to get the new email by webmail and send links to how to set the new email service up on their devices and other support web pages.
4The procedure for transferring your current email to Megganet is carried out twice.

The first time brings all your email over as of the time of the data transfer. Some of this email may take ages and there may be a lot of accounts so his transfers the bulk of the email well in advance.

The 2nd email data transfer is carried out close to the MX record update and just transfers email since the last email transfer. so the procedure is quicker and more predictable.
Schedule for transferring email hosting to Megganet

Security – email in transit

Email from your mobile divices is transfered securely by default. It is up to the person who configures your mail client software (Outlook, Thunderbird), to ensure the highest possable security is used. The settings are all on our IONOS quick setup page.

Security – spam protection

We have several settings for this from off to high. The rish of going too hiigh may mean missing legimnmate email. Please read more here SPAM – Megganet IT services.

Security – SPF record

We will give you the specific SPF record needed to improve the chances of reducing spam in your inbox. Although not critical, more and more mail servers now require it to transfer your email.


There is an initial set up fee based on the volume of email accounts needed. Megganet also has an annual email hosting fee for the service, usually not exceeding £30 / year. Subscriptions to be paid by Direct Debit only. Price’s are ex VAT.

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