Welcome to Megganet

FTTC (up to 80Mb), FTTP (up to 1GB), Leased lines, VoIP from £6/ month, Security software, Office 365, Email etc.
When you need value for money and quality of service without the drama phone 028 8283 1111

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Test Megganet Internet Speed

This page is for specifically for Megganet clients who use ADSL, FTTC, FTTP, SoGEA, G.Fast and leased line services. This page does not cover Wireless internet nor internet services for other providers.

We may ask you to browse to to this page if you contact us regarding internet performance.

Go to speedtest.megganet.com

Attempting to use the official Megganet speed tester from non Megganet client

The Access Denied will appear if an attempt is made to use our speed tester from Megganet services other than ADSL, FTTC, FTTP, SoGEA, G.Fast and leased line services.

Landing page for the official Megganet speed tester

This speed tester page will have your IP address listed. Click start and the speed tester will carry out a series of tests to work out your current internet speed.

Completed speed test.

As you can see from the above completed speed test, the download speed is 2.2Mb and the upload is 0.8Mb. Not great by todays standards but this client is on a long line.

Once you carry out a speed test manually like this, it is recorded on your control panel for future reference.

We also use this web page for continuous testing which helps spot patterns in performance.

If you use any of out 100Mb + speed services, click the Read More button on the bottom right.

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