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FTTC (up to 80Mb), FTTP (up to 1GB), Leased lines, VoIP from £6/ month, Security software, Office 365, Email etc.
When you need value for money and quality of service without the drama phone 028 8283 1111

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Reset BLF State

Occasionally, your VoIP phone may appear available and work fine but it appears on other phones as busy when it is not.

This is a rare error which you can deal with by logging onto your control panel and going to the ‘Reset Presence States‘. To clear the condition select the Reset BLF State button for the phone in question.

First, log into your control panel at https://control.megganet.com

Select ‘Telecoms‘ form the top line, Then select ‘VoIP‘.

Select ‘Manage‘ for the the appropriate account, if there is more than 1 and scroll down to you see ‘Reset BLF State‘ as shown below.

For the appropriate phone and select ‘Reset Presence State‘ as shown below.

Reset the Presence State of a VoIP phone

Once you click the appropriate blue button, the VoIP phone in question should be cleared.

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