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Bria Solo

How to download and install Bria Solo on a PC. Bria is available as a trial before moving to a subscription package. Please refer to the Bria website to set up a payment schedule if you wish to keep using Bria after the trial period.

Pre requisites

Before starting, you will need the following;

  • VoIP username
  • VoIP password
  • SIP Domain

Contact Megganet if you need these. For security reasons, we do not send passwords and what the password is for, in the same message. We usually send you your username and SIP domain by email and can send you your password to your registered mobile phone by TXT or WhatsApp.

If you have any difficulty with this, please phone me. Bria Solo requires you to sign up to their system before you can download the software so lets do that first.

Set up a Bria user account

First go the the Bria website here and set up a Bria account (This is different from your VoIP account).

Landing page


Chose your plan

In this example, we will chose BRIA SOLO as we need to test the software before committing. You will not be charged. Then select START A 21 DAY TRIAL

Enter your email address

At this point, enter your email address. This will be used for reminding you about your trial later. Click the Orange arrow to continue.

Enter a new password for your Bria account

The password you are being asked for is for you to log into your Bria account at a later date. This password should not be used anywhere else. Click the Orange arrow to continue.

Enter profile details here

Your profile details are basically your forename and surname. Click the Orange arrow to continue.

Service terms

Read the service terms and tick the appropriate tick box and select Accept Terms and Create Account.

Now, you can proceed to setting up your VoIP account

At this point, you can select Set Up a Voice Account.

If you have any difficulty’s, please call Megganet.

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