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Bitdefender is one of the world’s most awarded and trusted cyber security companies. Bitdefender MSP Security protects your clients by stopping common and sophisticated cyber-attacks such as malware, ransomware and viruses. The advanced technology of this popular security solution has been perfected for over 10 years across more than 500 million devices.

Remember “Using free security software is barely one step up from not using anything at all”.

The Bitdefender multi-layered approach stops most threats automatically before they turn into breaches.

Bitdefender is an industry-leading, trusted solution that gives peace of mind.

Remove Kaspersky products from your PC/Apple

The Bitdefeder installer will remove any overlaping security programs on your PC/apple computer. However, if you are using Kaspersky, please check that it hasent downloaded other programs like password keepers, VPN etc. If it has and you do not use these programs, you should uninstall them. Re Boot your computer if asked to do so.

Getting Bitdefender

Please visit the Bitdefender > Purchase Bitdefender page on the left.

Enter your details so we know who to send the installer to and who will be taking care of billing.

When you click the Submit button we will firstly, send you a Direct Debit mandate which takes care of payments. Once you have filled this in and submitted it, we will create your very own Bitdefender licence and send you an email with a link to the Bitdefender downloader. The full download is about 600Mb so may take some time on slow internet connections. If you wish, we can send you the full program by WeTransfer – useful if you have several installations.

Your unique installer

The installer you receive contains codes specific to your order. Each is linked to our systems for licencing and billing. Please note – any Bit defender licences active on the 26th, 27th or 28th of any month will be billed for 2 months. So best start your new licences immediately after 28th. All PC/Apple computers your install is used on will be billed.

Bill breakdown

Your monthly invoice will be for the total number of licences used in the month. If you need a detailed invoice itemization let us know and we will send you your Bitdefender control panel.

Ceasing Bitdefender

You may cease an individual installation of Bitdefender or a group of installations with 1 months notice. Please note that because of the way that payments work, any active licence on the 26th, 27th and 28th of any months is also considered active for the following month so if you need to cease a Bitdefender licence, it would be best to do so on or before the 25th of the month.

In order for us to cease the service on a specific PC or Apple computer, you will need to send us the computer name as this is how we identify it.

You may cease an individual installation of Bitdefender or a group of installations with 1 months notice. Please note that because of the way that payments work, any active licence on the 26th, 27th and 28th of any months is also considered active for the following month so if you need to cease a Bitdefender licence, it would be best to do so on or before the 25th of the month.

In order for us to cease the service on a specific PC or Apple computer, you will need to send us the computer name as this is how we identify it. You can get help finding the computers name here.

If you need any help, just contact Megganet.

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