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Port a number from Megganet
Porting your number out
Porting a phone number is the procedure where a client transfers the number from one provider to another.
In order to prevent poaching, please contact us in advance of a request to port a number away from us.
This procedure is handled entirely by your new provider. You send your request to them and they should send you (not us) the Letter Of Authority (LOA). Please ensure there are no outstanding bills as this will help the procedure progress without delay. We will issue a closeting bill for the interim period to cover any unbilled part calls and active contract time, when the phone number has successfully transfered.
- You confirm that you have backed up and retrieved all necessary data from your account.
- You understand and accept all call recording data and settings for your account, including backups, will be deleted and cannot be restored.
- You understand and accept that by cancelling your account, it cannot be un-done, after it takes immediate effect.
- You understand and accept that no refunds will be given for services cancelled midway through their contractual billing period or any unused period already paid for.
- You understand all associated numbers (where they exist) will cease. They may enter a quarantine window of 90 days and may be re-entered into our number pools.
- You understand and accept that no refunds will be given for services cancelled midway through their contractual billing period or any unused period already paid for.
- You understand that you remain liable for any unbilled events such as call charges.
- You understand this ported number will be deleted immediately and cannot be restored.
- You have authority to place this cease request.
- We may ask for a letter from you to confirm you wish to port your number. If the number is used by a business, we may request the cease on a company letterhead.
Porting errors
If for any reason, the number port fails to complete, we will continue to charge for it.
Blocking a number port
As long as the person responsible for managing your number contacts us we will never block a number port out. There are a few difficult phone company’s with either very under trained staff or ‘other’, who make porting numbers they hold rather difficult.
Porting a number out is the same fee as terminating a telephone service and the fee id the same. As of December 2023, this is £38 + VAT. This fee is to cover the fee imposed by Openreach.