Welcome to Megganet

FTTC (up to 80Mb), FTTP (up to 1GB), Leased lines, VoIP from £6/ month, Security software, Office 365, Email etc.
When you need value for money and quality of service without the drama phone 028 8283 1111

Select a quick link > Control panel - Rise a ticket - Remote assistance


New Customer

Before we can set up new services for you, we need your details for our records. We will not use your information for anything else and you will not be charged for anything until services are ordered.

When complete, we will email you a new username and password so you may log into our systems and see all your services, check logs and phone bills etc.

Please note that the address on your most phone bill will be more accurate than a council address.

Thank you for filing out this form.

You should now proceed to ordering the service you need. When you get to the form, please re enter your forename, surname, first line of your address and post code. This helps keep your order right.

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