Welcome to Megganet

FTTC (up to 80Mb), FTTP (up to 1GB), Leased lines, VoIP from £6/ month, Security software, Office 365, Email etc.
When you need value for money and quality of service without the drama phone 028 8283 1111

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Signup (Existing Megganet FTTC/ADSL client)

Please use this form if you are an existing Megganet ADSL or FTTC broadband client. FTTP clients can not change to SoGEA. Please ensure accuracy as errors may cause delays and potentially avoidable charges.

SoGEA signup for existing Megganet client

This is the landline number which your current ADSL/FTTC internet service is provided on.
Enhanced Care aims to clear a fault within 20 hours of being raised to the carrier with a 4 hour carrier response time. Out of hours engineering visits to site may be used to complete a repair if unrestricted access is available. Whereas, Broadband Standard Care aims to clear a fault within 40 hours of being raised to the carrier, but with no guaranteed response time. No out of hours engineering visits are scheduled under Broadband Standard Care . Reassuring and useful if you use VoIP.
If you select Yes, we will send you a phone number porting form (Legal requirement). Retaining a telephone number (as will all VoIP numbers) is £1 plus VAT per month. If you choose not to retain your number, you can order a new number at a later date. It would not be possible to recover your old number in the future.
To move the number to Megganet's VoIP platform you will be required to place a separate number port order. You should only initiate the number port once this SoEGA order has committed, not before. At the committed stage, an email will be triggered highlighting porting action is required. VoIP lines are £6 + VAT each.

We will be in touch to verify all your details and double check your selection before committing your order.

Lead time for existing Megganet clients is just 5 full working days and we will let you know the date of the switch over when we contact you. At that time, you can let us know your prefeed date for the switchover. Unfortunately, we will not be able to advise you as the the exact time of the switchover.

Please ensure you have red our ‘SoGEA information’ link.

If you choose to cease your existing phone number, it may be impossible to get it back. Although, if you do need a new phone number, we can easily set you up with a new VoIP one.

There may be rare cases where Openreach levy a charge to migrate your existing connection from an LLU provider and some of or clients are on an LLU number. This charge is presently £37.00 + VAT. We will always contact you before proceeding with your order.

When you move to Megganet SoGEA, your PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) line rental will cease and you should cease paying for it.

Thank you.

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