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Synology Drive Sync Server – installation

How to set up a Synology NAS to act as a remote Drive Sync to share files over the internet

This is only a brief summary as Megganet usually set this up.

Check the Synology NAS firmware and applications are up to date. -Ensure ‘Synology Drive’ is installed on the NAS.

Go to ‘Control Panel‘ and ‘Update & Restore‘ and follow the prompts to fully update the Synology NAS.

Create a folder to be shared remotely. ‘Control Panel‘, ‘Shared Folder‘ —

Create the remote users logon and password

Go to ‘Control Panel‘, ‘Users & Group‘ and create the new user. If the folder has not been created yet, just select ‘Synology’ drive in the ‘Assign application permissions’ window. For example use ExternalDriveUser.

Go to ‘Control Panel‘, ‘Shared Folder’ and create a folder to share externally. Example name could be ‘ExternalFolderShare’. Make sure to set Read/Write permissions for the external users. If it is to be accessed, give them access as well.

Install ‘Synology Drive Server’.

Download and install ‘Synology Drive Server’. directly onto the NAS.

Select ‘Synology Drive Admin Console‘ from the menu on the icon at at the top of the screen. Select the Teams folder that has just been created and ‘Enable it’. If the folder is disabled, it will not appear on the remote computer.

Set up DDNS on the NAS

If the premises does not have a static IP a DDNs will need to be setup.

Send the NAS DDNS or IP details along with the username by email to the new user and send the password by TXT or WhatsApp.

Ports do not need to be forwarded on your router.

Remote users should now be able to connect.

That’s it!

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