Welcome to Megganet

FTTC (up to 80Mb), FTTP (up to 1GB), Leased lines, VoIP from £6/ month, Security software, Office 365, Email etc.
When you need value for money and quality of service without the drama phone 028 8283 1111

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Inclusive calls

We can offer an inclusive calls package covering up to 2,000 minutes / month for £9 + VAT £10.80 inc VAT) / month.

Your plan selection will apply to all users associated to this account. It is not possible to mix and match different users with different plan types.

Plans with inclusive minutes are not exclusive to a user, all user minutes are pooled across the account (eg 6 users with 2000 inclusive minutes each, would result in a pool of 12,000 minutes each month for anyone to use).

UK Mobile refers to the major UK MNOs; O2, Vodafone, EE or Three (H3G), some other mobile network destinations may be charged at higher rates. Allocation for mobile calls is up to 50% of inclusive minutes. 03 UK landlines have a maximum 30% of inclusive minutes.

All recurring prices are now subject to the annual Consumer Price Index + 3.9% which brings in line with other internet providers.


Consumption of minutes over the bundle allowance, or to destinations not included within a bundle, are charged on a pay as you go basis.

Setup charge

There is no set up charge for this.

01/02 UK Landlines

The inclusive minutes are for UK Landlines and Mobiles only.

  • UK – fixed
  • UK – fixed full transit
  • UK – fixed peers

UK Mobile

  • H3g / Three
  • O2
  • T Mobile
  • Vodafone EE
  • Virtual fw10
  • Manx Telecom
  • Other

Up to a Maximum of 50% of inclusive minutes

03 UK Landlines

Maximum 30% of inclusive minutes only.

  • Special services – g21
  • Special services – UK wide / g21

Maximum 30% of inclusive minutes only.

The minimum contract is 12 months.

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