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Get Bitdefender

Step 1 Place your Order

This process here is to set up your details on out Bitdefender system so we can manually allocate licences. When you complete this form select Submit and proceed to the Payments > Direct Debit signup page.

Please enter at least one phone number in the form 02828831111 (include area code and no spaces).
Please enter at least one phone number in the form 07712341234 (and no spaces).
Licence for any number of installations is just £1.99 (inc. VAT) per month per PC/Apple. You can increase or decrease the quantity of licences once setup.
Server licence is £5.99/ month each inc. VAT. You can increase or decrease the quantity of licences once setup.

Step 2 Set up payment method

There is no setup or installation fee but the ongoing fee is to be paid for monthly by Direct Debit. If you haven’t already got a Direct Debit mandate created, you can do so now. From the Left hand menu, Select Payments > Direct Debit signup

Once the direct Debit Mandate is filed in and submitted, we will email you with a link to your unique installer.

Please note – any Bit defender licences active on the 26th, 27th or 28th of any month will be billed for 2 months. So best start your new licences immediately after 28th. All PC/Apple computers your install is used on will be billed.

Billing will be at the end of the month for the total amount of licences active during the month.

Multiple installations

Yes, you can use the downloader to install Bitdefender on as many machines as you wish. However, please do let us know as unlicensed installations will not update or fully activate until we associate a licence for them. This is true for Apple/iOS devices as well.

Cease a licence on any machine

If you wish to cease using Bitdefender on a PC/Apple, you must let us know by email which machine you are ceasing Bitdefender on. You can find instructions on how to find your computer name under Documents > Computer name from the menu on the left.

We will respond straight away to any requests to cease licences and we will adjust any Direct Debit mandate set up to match this. You may at any time, request a list of computers your licence is installed on.

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