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Choosing a website name

General advice on how to choose a website name

This is a very broad area so this web page just covers the basics.

When choosing a name for your website (domain name) you should consider how relevant it is to what the domain is supposed to do. I.e. if you sell cars, don’t get www.houseofabc.com – its not relevant.

Good idea to get something which describes the business as opposed to yourself.

Also, avoid difficult to spell domains as this can an impatient browser may just skip onto another site.

If you intend to add email address

Website design

98% of websites are not accepted first time and only about 50% are eventually accepted so clear planning is vital. Note, everything you want and ever will want your site to do.

It’s almost impossible to convey the look and feel to a web designer as they probably know nothing about your business so you could find a similar website, you like and base yours on it.

Next, if your web designer and domain holder are the same person and you enter into a dispute with them, they can hold you to ransome over ownership of your domain. This is why, I reccomend keeping teh two entitys seperate.

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