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Quick settings

Full set of general IONOS email settings. For better security, you should use either the TLS or the SSL outgoing port. Outgoing authentication must be enabled.

User nameThe full email address
PasswordYour selected email password
Outgoing server (SMTP)smtp.ionos.co.uk
Basic outgoing port25
STARTLS outgoing port587
SSL outgoing port465
Outgoing server requires authenticationYes
SMTP settings

Receiving email – you must choose between IMAP and POP3.

Incoming Serverimap.ionos.co.ukpop.ionos.co.uk
Incoming port (SSL must be activated)993995
The IMAP and POP3 settings.

Difference between IMAP and POP

You must choose to receive your email either by IMAP or POP3. Which one suits you best?


Do you access your emails from various devices such as your computer, tablet or smartphone? Then we recommend using IMAP.

  • All your emails will be stored on the server, and you can access them from anywhere
  • Your data is synchronized so that your emails, folders, etc. always have the same status on all devices
  • Your data is secure, even if your device is defective or lost


Do you always access your emails from the same device, which only has limited access to the Internet? Then POP3 offers you more advantages.

  • All your emails are downloaded to your device
  • You can also access your emails offline there
  • Data such as emails and folders is not synchronized between different devices
  • It is easier to manage backups and archives

Android, iOS and Outlook have a page each and contain more detailed information for each platform as well as step by step configuration guide.

Mail enabled devices

Microsoft is depreciating SMTP for its Microsoft Exchange mail servers in October 2022 (apparently) so email enabled devices which use SMTP may cease to be able to send you email. These devices include security systems, wireless controller units, document scanners – in fact anything which can send information to an email address.

At the present, SMTP can be enabled within your Microsoft Admin center, however changes need to be made to your Azure security’s for SMTP to actually work.

We have been setting up our own clients scanners with username@megganet.com where username is the name of the person or company sending the scan to an email address. This is one option for getting round the cost of a Microsoft email address if it is just used for scanning.

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